Our Mission
Welcome to Pupil Services. Our mission is to support our students and families by providing services and supports in all areas of childhood development. We achieve this together by cultivating opportunities where all students can be successful.
Procedural Safeguards
Schedule Information for CSE Meetings - Weather Related Plans
In the interest of holding Committee on Special Education meetings in a timely manner, we implement the following procedure in the event of school closings or delays:
3-Hour School Delay or School Closing -- All meetings are cancelled and will be rescheduled.
- 2-Hour School Delay
- Kent Elementary, Kent Primary & Matthew Paterson Elementary Schools
- Meetings planned between 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. will be cancelled and reschedueld
- Meetings will be held as scheduled from 11:00 a.m. through the end of the school day
- George Fischer Middle School & Carmel High School
- Meetings will be held in the period for which they are scheduled. The time will be adjusted to match the abbreviated schedule of your child's school. Please refer to the bell schedule for your child's school for the specific times.
- Please note that the periods are shortened to 30 minutes or less at George Fischer Middle School and Carmel High School on these days.
- Kent Elementary, Kent Primary & Matthew Paterson Elementary Schools
Contact Information Telephone: (845) 878-2094, Option #3 Facsimile: (845) 878-2005 81 South Street, P.O. Box 296 Patterson, NY 12563
- Elizabeth Kennedy, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, 845 878-2094, ext. 246, ekennedy@carmelschools.org
Gr. Pre- K-5 including Out of District K-5, PACE K-8, & Parentally Placed K-12
- Jennifer Eraca, Ed.D., Director of PPS, 845.878.2094 Ext. 246, jeraca@carmelschools.org
- Gina Riggione, CPSE/CSE Chairperson, 845 878-2094, ext. 244, griggion@carmelschools.org
Gr. 6-12 including Out of District 6-12, & PACE 9-12
Ed LoPresti, CSE Chairperson, 845 878-2094, ext. 249, eloprest@carmelschools.org
Office Staff
Secretary to Elizabeth Kennedy, Ed.D.
- Barbara Faranda, Senior Office Assistant II, 845 878-2094, ext. 246, bfaranda@carmelschools.org
Pre-School Programs
- Jennifer Schuler, Senior Office Assistant, 845 878-2094, ext. 245, jschuler@carmelschools.org
Elementary Programs - Gr. K-4 including Out of District K-4, PACE K-8, & Parentally Placed K-12
- Edie Cassidy, Senior Office Assistant, 845 878-2094, ext. 234, ecassidy@carmelschools.org
Middle School Programs - Gr. 5-8, PACE Programs - Gr. 5-8
- Alexa Reynolds, Senior Office Assistant, 845 878-2094, ext. 245, areynold@carmelschools.org
High School Programs Gr. 9-12, Out of District Programs K-12
- Heather McConnell, Senior Office Assistant, 845 878-2094, ext. 248, hmcconne@carmelschools.org