English as a New Language (ENL)
Our Mission Statement
The Carmel Central School District employs ten ENL teachers to provide language services to the more than 100 ENL students at five schools from elementary through high school. ENL students come to us at all grade levels, from a variety of English skill levels. ENL students are held to the same academic standards as their grade-level peers. Students at the lower levels of proficiency receive support in the academic content areas as well as instruction in basic communication skills. The ENL teachers work closely with the classroom teachers and other service providers to meet the specific social and academic needs of each child.
Elementary Student Resources
Elementary Teacher Resources
Elementary Parent Resources
Secondary Student Resources
Secondary Teacher Resources
Secondary Parent Resources
School Events
Spring Recess
Spring Recess
Schools Closed
Carmel Central School District -
Matthew Paterson Elementary School
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Information Meeting
Come learn about the 2025-26 UPK Program
Carmel Central School District -
Memorial Day Recess
Memorial Day Recess
Schools Closed
Carmel Central School District -
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Schools and Offices Closed
Carmel Central School District -
Schools and Offices Closed
Carmel Central School District
ELL Identification & Exit Procedures
There is a 3-step process to identify English Language Learners.
1) Home Language Questionnaire.
2) An ENL teacher conducts a student/parent interview.
3) Students take the NYSITELL (New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners)
This flow chart explains the process.
To exit the English as a New Language program:
ELLs in Grades K-12 score at the Commanding Level on the NYSESLAT (New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test).
ELLs in Grades 3-8 score at the Expanding Level on the NYSESLAT and at a 3 or above on the ELA test in the same school year.
ELLs in Grades 9-12 score at the Expanding Level on the NYSESLAT and at a 65 or above on the English Regents.
Former ELLs
After exiting the ENL program, an ELL is entitled to 2 years of Former ELL services and testing accommodations on NYS assessments.
Former ELL Services- minimum of 18 min./day or equivalent in individualized learning support from an ENL teacher.
Helpful Acronyms to Know in ENL
School to Home Communication
Please sign up for REMIND to receive informational texts from the district's teachers about homework, projects, field trips , etc. You as a parent can also contact your child's teacher directly at any time to inquire about anything. Please find the appropriate information below to get in touch with your child's teachers by subscribing to their group feed. You can stay informed about school-related events and information.
For each teacher you must follow the directions below and then you will be prompted to name yourself so the teacher can contact you properly.
Mrs. DeRosa: send the words @carmella to the telephone number 81010 to subscribe to the group named COPE Program
Ms. Albrecht: send the words @db2hdd to the telephone number 81010 to subscribe to the group named ENL 18-19